

A father's testimony about the care he received from his two midwives.

My experience in the birth of Davina was very beautiful and intense at the same time. Krishinda answered all the questions we had as they arose, gave us information and contacts that helped us a lot. She was always clear and direct with us.

The birth process was something new, sometimes I didn’t really know how to act, but I felt that I had to be there for whatever Davina needed. I wanted and also knew that I should participate in the birth of my daughter, not passively, but actively. Krishinda was also there and I never felt alone.

Davina did an enormous job and Krishinda helped her to finally have little Faith born.

I would like to highlight the human warmth, professionalism and experience of Krishinda throughout this process. Krishinda was more than a midwife to us.

After the birth we were also supported and advised by her, with visits, check-ups and time to ask any questions we had.

Our daughter was born healthy, everything went well at all times, we always feel wrapped up and surrounded by good vibrations with Krishinda and we thank her again the THREE of us wholeheartedly for having shared this beautiful trip with us. We love you very much.

Mahult helped us a lot in the birth, it was a surprise for us to discover how many things she took care of; she was cooking, prepared infusions for Davina … and was also checking at all times that Davina and the baby were fine. Your work was amazing. Mahult is a sweet person and his personality and professionalism helped Davina to overcome especially those difficult moments. Mahult was the one who took command especially in the last moments and received our daughter in her arms. The combination between Krishinda and Mahult was excellent. She also supported me and thanked me for being there. Mahult was also with us visiting us, giving us advice and information of all kinds after the birth. We love you very much Mahult.